【專題演講】廖文德-Transient Nuclear Inversion by X-Ray Free Electron Laser in a Tapered X-Ray Waveguide

111年12月16日星期五  13:30至15:00

地點    大智慧科技大樓一樓ST114教室

講者    廖文德老師

講題    Transient Nuclear Inversion
                by X-Ray Free Electron Laser
                in a Tapered X-Ray Waveguide

The enhancement of X-ray-matter interaction by guiding and focusing radiation
from X-ray free electron lasers is investigated theoretically.
We show that elliptical waveguides using a cladding material with high atomic number such as platinum can maintain an X-ray intensity up to three orders of magnitude larger than in free space.
This feature can be used to place a nuclear sample in the waveguide focal area and drive nuclear Mössbauer transitions up to transient nuclear population inversion.
The latter is a long-standing goal related to gamma-ray lasers or nuclear state population control for energy storage.
We show that inverted nuclei numbers of up to approximately 2 x 10^5 are achievable in the realistic region of longitudinal X-ray-free-electron-laser coherence time ≤ 10 fs.
Our results anticipate the important role of tapered X-ray waveguides and strategically embedded samples in the field of X-ray quantum optics.